Sunday, April 08, 2007

April Showers

I have not written a single poem for NaPoMo. I'm just not in the mood for new writing. I have tinkered with a few revisions, but that's it. Still, I am enjoying what the NaPoMo-ers have been putting up on line. Keep it coming!


Call has been quiet so far. Just a couple babies and a patient with a new diagnosis of a tumor in her neck.


Easter yesterday was also my dad's yahrzeit (I know, I'm not Jewish, but I love that they have a word for this). It's been 23 years now. After all this time, I can't really say that I miss him anymore. I don't really even feel sad. More of just an "oh, yeah." It's hard to describe. And in just a few years, I'll be older than he was. OMG, now *that* gives me pause.


A patient of mine has spent his entire life designing gardens for other people. Now he has cancer and is dying. And he is finally designing a garden for himself.


C. Dale said...

"A patient of mine has spent his entire life designing gardens for other people. Now he has cancer and is dying. And he is finally designing a garden for himself."

That is one of the saddest and most moving things I have ever read on your blog.

A. D. said...

Second that.

You don't need to write new poems for the moment. I'm still reading What's Written.

Peter said...

C Dale: I'm moved by it, too.

AD: Nice pun. Still, I'd like to get a new poem, sometime. Perhaps this patients garden story, I don't know.