Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Duck! Cheney

This was too funny and clever not to pass along:

From: "Marcus Bales"
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006
Subject: Cheney Hunts

Higgledy piggledy
Richard B Cheney
While hunting for quail on the
Old Armstrong place.
In a moment of carelessness
Blasted another guest
Right in the face.

"Ambulance! Ambulance!"
Richard B. Cheney
Repeated as somebody
Bled where he sat
Prey to Republican
Was he a terrorist
Or Democrat?

Luckily luckily
Richard B Cheney's
Security detail has
Medics on staff
And, since the guy is an
All that he'll say is "It
Hurts when I laugh".

Remington Remington
Richard B Cheney
Has shot a Republican
Very fat cat;
Cheney is sorry but
Thinks "I'd have missed if
He wasn't so fat."

Wriggley wriggley
Richard B Cheney:
"Executive privilege!"
SCOTUS: "Concur!"
After all, Hamilton
Died when shot down by
Vice President Burr.

Coverup coverup
Richard B Cheney
For twenty-four hours
Would not say a word,
And none of the media
Tell us the real facts: did
Dick get the bird?


Unknown said...

Love it!

Pamela Johnson Parker said...

I love it, too!

(PS To answer the last question, yes, from me, on occasions innumerable).