Saturday, October 18, 2008


Dean and I went with friends to see MOMIX at the UW World Dance Series last night. Wow. What an amazing show. The best in years, I think. About 10 or 12 short pieces. Each one amazing. From the woman with the floor length beaded head dress that rose up in the air as she spun, to the men dancing with poles, the women bouncing on exercise balls, the very Pilabolus-like strength and balance pieces, the beautiful glowing black-light arms like birds, the couple rolling about inside a Cirque du Soleil-type pair of cages, the couple in skis (yes, snow skis!) and silver body suits leaning and flowing and posing. My favorite was the next to last piece, with a woman sitting in a turning metal bowl, with three pole-spokes coming out of it that three pairs of dancers would turn and lift and spin upon, as harem music played. It was awesome! The encore piece done with a silhouette against a screen was a little too long, and almost took the thrill off the whole evening. All was forgiven though, when each dancer came out for a bow and a quick ditty, and a long standing O. Highly Recommended!

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