Saturday, May 14, 2005

Possession Sound

Off this morning with Kathleen Flenniken, to the Possession Sound Writer's Conference, where Floating Bridge Press will have a book table. Stanley Plumly, Richard Kenny, and Kary Wayson are among the presenters. Kathleen will represent us on a small press publishing panel. And who knows, maybe I'll join in on the open mic after lunch (and I will try to behave myself this time . . . hehehe).


Unknown said...

That sounds fun! I wish there were more events in my area, there's just not much in the area of the arts. yea, no vodka (or stripping) while reading! have a great time!

Emily Lloyd said...

Have fun--and I came here because I had to tell you, someone found my blog by googling "Peter Pereira poet"--so sweet.

Peter said...

Oh Emily: it was probably me, self-Googling again . . . deadly sin: you know I am going to go to Hell for it.

Emily Lloyd said...

Nah...just makes your palms hairy (she said, shaving)