Sunday, August 10, 2008

8-8-O My! I thought the Beijing opening ceremony was stunning, if not a bit intimidating. Just the sheer number of performers, and how much they did with just people power. Those drummers! The guys with the blocks! And the giant LCD scroll. Wow. Check it out on You Tube if you missed it.


Not a restful weekend. Friday night there was a house party two doors down from us. The parents were away and their teenage son had a kegger, or whatever they call them these days. There was 30-50 kids hanging out on the front porch and in the yard, talking very loud, as music thudded from inside the house well past midnight.

There is nothing more annoying when you are trying to sleep because you are on call, than to have a group of drunk teenage girls shouting at each other "bitch" "fuck" "damn" "get outta my face" "who brought her here?" "just walk away, just walk away." I called the police but they did nothing. Then a little past 1:30 am a fight broke out between a group of the boys, and I called 911 again. Finally a police car appeared.

And then last night, I was paged out of a deep sleep for a call about a newborn with a fever, tachypnea, possible sepsis. This week of on call is not starting out well.



Joannie Stangeland said...

Sorry about the sleep-stealing party. I've been there (although with adults, not teenagers).

But you've given me an idea. If we ever leave our kids alone when we go out of town, we'll give our destination phone number to the neighbors and tell the kids we're doing so (in case of an "emergency"). That ought to provide some deterrent--or I'm kidding myself.

Peter said...

Thanks Joannie: I think it is perhaps a rite of passage for teens: The Kegger-while-the-parents are away. I understand totaly because I've been there, too! *wink*

I was amazed at the vocabulary (or lack thereof) of these girls, who were having this huge argument out on the parking strip for about an hour.