Thursday, March 08, 2007

Riding in the Rain

Mar. 8, 2007
Who knew? Ride in the Rain bikers are poets, too
By Peter Kelley, University Week

Maybe it's the long hours alone on the bike that provide the inspiration, or maybe it's all that dreary rain. Whatever the cause, participants in the UW's Ride in the Rain program have shown that they are poets, too.

Like this: Morning downpour ride / Fix first flat of the new year / Smooth roads now -- onward.

Or this calmly philosophical verse: It is a circle / Pleasure, pain, gain and again / Ride hard, ride often.

Or this glimpse of roadway misadventure: Morning sky is blue / Black is ice upon the street / bicycle slides, body hurts.

But wait -- what's the connection, again, between winter bike commuting and haiku? Full article here. It's kinda dumb, but may make you smile.

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