Tuesday, March 14, 2006


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LKD said...

I just scared the holy hell out of myself, Peter. I was going to ask you how a patient or doctor can discern the difference between the chalazion and a sebaceous gland carcinoma but I thought, hmmmm, sounds like a job for google, so I did a google image search...

and I think I'm probably going to have nightmare tonight thanks to the horrific images I just laid my eyes on.

Still, I am curious to know, if the sebaceous gland carcinoma mimics a chalazion, is there any way to to make an initial diagnosis based solely on its appearance or is a biopsy always required?

Peter said...

Laurel: there is no sure way to tell the difference without a biopsy. But the carcinoma is very rare. So if there is a persistent chalazion, I will refer to ophthalmology for an excisional biopsy.

C. Dale said...

Yes, no way to tell without a biopsy. The carcinoma is incredibly rare (I have seen 1 in 9 years) and they are usually caught because the chalazion persists and the treating doctor gets uncomfortable and asks for a biopsy.