Thursday, August 30, 2007

For T, who has many a fine nest poem herself, from today's ALP column:


I walked out, and the nest
was already there by the step. Woven basket
of a saint
sent back to life as a bird
who proceeded to make
a mess of things. Wind
right through it, and any eggs
long vanished. But in my hand it was
intricate pleasure, even the thorny reeds
softened in the weave. And the fading
leaf mold, hardly
itself anymore, merely a trick
of light, if light
can be tricked. Deep in a life
is another life. I walked out, the nest
already by the step.

Poem copyright (c) 1996 by Marianne Boruch, whose most recent book of poetry is "Poems: New and Selected," Oberlin College Press, 2004. Reprinted from "A Stick That Breaks And Breaks," Oberlin College Press, 1997, with permission of the author. First published in the journal "Field."



Rachel Mallino said...

Boruch is a favorite of mine, really glad to see this. She can be so wry at times and her line breaking capabilities are extremely admirable.

T. said...

Ah, Peter. You have made my day.
Thank you thank you thank you.